Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Introducing Single Parent Wisdom

Wow. Setting up this blog is easier than it looks. I can't say that for parenting, though -- especially single parenting. This blog will be used to discuss the many facets of parenting and a few more about the world of single parenting. I ask that you bare with me as some day's I will probably write a lot and some days, nothing at all.

Hopefully, there will be much give and take between others. I like sharing of ideas and viewpoints. To begin: I was a single parent for 11 years of my 3 children. After they became adults, I started writing about the experience seeking answers to the questions and problems I faced as a young single parent. Now that I'm older, I believe young people need to listen to those who have gone before them with similar experience. We have much to teach each other and can make parenting easier. You do not have to go it alone.